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Supervisors Updates

By Scott Bauer, CAPS Supervisor Director

September 30, 2024

The Governor has signed Assembly Bill (AB) 181, and the rank-and-file Total Tentative Agreement is now in effect as their memorandum of understanding (or contract)!

  • Read the full contract here. 
  • See summary of highlights here.

What does this mean for Supervisors and Managers?

The Excluded Employee Bill of Rights (EBR) guarantees our rights (as supervisors and managers) to participate in our union, CAPS-UAW, and meet and confer with the State for improved work conditions.

The Supervisors Committee will be meeting with the administration THIS Friday, October 4 to propose that the benefits rank-and-file employees won through their collective fight are extended to supervisors and managers! 

Some of these benefits include Geopay, Longevity Pay, and State Disability Insurance. The Supervisors Committee will specifically prioritize extending the salary raises to “not yet” Like Pay for Like Work (LPLW) classifications (as we did in June) that have not received the same raises (e.g. the recent 2% increase in July) as their LPLW colleagues. 

Stronger Together

Be part of the majority of State Scientists, and join your union! When we are united, our  voices are stronger as together we have the power to build a better future for all State Scientists. Join your union here.  

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Click here to fill out a form indicating areas you are interested in getting involved with.

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