Catastrophic Leave Donations for Fellow Scientists

Section 3.10 of the CAPS MOU allows that a catastrophic leave time bank can be established for fellow CAPS members who have exhausted their leave credits and needs alternative options.  Both excluded and represented employees may donate leave credits. 

The following leave credits may be donated as catastrophic leave: CTO, Personal Leave, Annual Leave, Vacation, Personal Day, and/or Holiday Credits. Sick leave credits, Furlough hours, Holiday Informal and Professional Development Days may not be donated. 

Donations of leave must be given in whole hour increments, with the exception of Personal Holidays, which must be donated in whole day increments.  

Leave credits will be posted below on an as needed basis.  Any unprocessed donations will be returned to the donor. Please note: once your donations are processed for use by an employee, they are irrevocable.

CAPS thanks all who members who can assist!

Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist) in the Habitat Conservation Planning Program at CDFW Needs your Help!

CAPS Member Helen Thompson has requested catastrophic leave donations in order to continue receiving pay and benefits.  CAPS is grateful to all who can assist.  Download the donation form here. If you are a scientist at CDFW, submit the form to HRB via the Ask HR portal. From the Ask HR Service Catalog, select Leave Benefits and then select Catastrophic Leave.

If you are not at CDFW, complete the donation form and give it to your personnel specialist who will then work with CDFW Disability unit to coordinate the transfer of donated leave. The agency code and CBID for H. Thompson 565-039 (information required to complete the donation form). The Personnel Specialist will need to email the donation info to to make the transfer.

Environmental Scientist at CalRecycle Needs Your Help

Mia Hunt, an Environmental Scientist at CalRecycle, is requesting catastrophic leave donations. She’s suffered an unexpected loss and has exhausted her leave credits. Please consider providing a catastrophic leave donation in order to allow Hunt to continue receiving pay and benefits, while she’s out.

If you wish to donate any of your leave credits, other than sick leave, please complete Mia’s Catastrophic Leave Donation Record form.


Staff Toxicologist at DTSC Requires Assistance!

Debra Taylor, a staff tox at DTSC, is requesting catastrophic leave donations in order to continue receiving pay and benefits, while they are out. If you can spare even ONE HOUR, it would greatly assist these members.  CAPS is grateful to all who can assist.  Download the donation form and get more details here.

California Department of Fish and Wild Life Scientist Needs Your Help

Jeffrey (Jeff) Weaver, an employee in Headquarters, is requesting catastrophic leave donations.

If you wish to donate any of your leave credits, other than sick leave, please complete the Catastrophic Leave Donation Record (DFW 865) and submit it to the HRB via the Ask HR portal. From the Ask HR Service Catalog, select Leave Benefits and then select Catastrophic Leave

If you have staff who do not have e-mail, please print, and distribute a hard copy for their information.

You can obtain a Catastrophic Leave Donation Record form on the Department’s intranet at,  http://dfgintranet/Portal/Portals/0/HR/docs/catleavedonation.pdf


Any questions regarding employee leave balances and the transfer process should be submitted to the HRB via the Ask HR portal.


State Scientist at Military Department Needs Our Help

Department of Military Sr. Environmental Scientist and CAPS Member Brian Pierskalla has requested catastrophic leave donations in order to continue receiving pay and benefits. 

If you wish to donate leave credits to Mr. Pierskalla, please complete the attached Catastrophic Leave Donation Form and forward it to:

Richard (Rick) Russell
Senior Personnel Specialist
State Personnel Office
Phone (916) 854-3717

Mr. Russell will coordinate and monitor the necessary transactions and process the leave credits.  Please contact him with any questions.

CAPS is grateful to all who can assist. 

State Scientist at Fish and Wildlife Needs Our Help

Rebecca Barboza, a CAPS member at Region 5 at the Department of Fish and Wildlife, is requesting catastrophic leave donations.

If you wish to donate any of your leave credits, other than sick leave, please complete Rebecca’s Catastrophic Leave Donation Record form and forward it directly to:


Veronica Boles, Staff Services Manager I – Headquarters California Department of Fish and Wildlife 
1416 Ninth Street, Room 1270
Sacramento, CA 95814

Any questions regarding employee leave balances and the actual transfer process should be directed to your Personnel Specialist.  Rebecca and CAPS thank you! 

State Scientist at OSPR Needs Our Help

Chih (Allen) Tsao, a member at OSPR, is requesting catastrophic leave donations.

If you wish to donate any of your leave credits, other than sick leave, please complete Allen’s Catastrophic Leave Donation Record form and forward it directly to:


Suzanne Murphy | Senior Personnel Specialist – Headquarters
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
1416 Ninth Street, Room 1270
Sacramento, CA 95814

CAPS and  Mr. Tsao thank all CAPS members who can assist!

 Wildlife Scientist Needs Your Help

Victoria Monroe, a CAPS member at the Department of Fish and Wildlife Investigations Lab, is in need of catastrophic leave donations.

If you wish to donate any of your leave credits, other than sick leave, please complete the Catastrophic Leave Donation Record form for Victoria and forward it directly to:


Veronica Boles | Staff Services Manager I – Headquarters
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
1416 Ninth Street, Room 1270
Sacramento, CA 95814

You can obtain a Catastrophic Leave Donation Record here.  Please refer any questions regarding employee leave balances and the actual transfer process to your Personnel Specialist.  CAPS thanks all members who can assist!

CAPS Member at CalRecycle Needs Your Help!

CalRecycle ES and longtime CAPS Member Kirk Amato has a serious medical condition and has exhausted all his leave balances.  He needs catastrophic leave donations in order to continue receiving pay and benefits.  If you can spare even ONE HOUR, it would greatly assist Mr. Amato.

Please use Kirk’s attached donation form with the recipient information section completed.  (Please do not e-mail the completed form as an original signature is required.)  Submit a hard copy of your form to the attention of the CalRecycle Disability Coordinator, MS–19A.  Questions may be directed to the Disability Coordinator or call  916) 341-6265.

CAPS thanks all who can assist.

Fish and Wildlife Environmental Scientist Needs Your Help

Sean Windell, an Environmental Scientist in DFW’s Water Branch, is requesting catastrophic leave donations due to a medical condition.  Mr. Windell has exhausted his leave credits.

If you wish to donate any of your leave credits, other than sick leave, please complete Sean’s Catastrophic Leave Donation Form and forward it directly to:

Nicole Piumatti, Personnel Specialist
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
1416 Ninth Street, Room 1270
Sacramento, CA  95814

Please direct any questions regarding employee leave balances and the actual transfer process to your Personnel Specialist.

Mr. Windell and CAPS extend our thanks in advance for your support!

Fellow State Scientist and Fish and Wildlife Interpreter Needs Your Help

Gail Davis, a Fish and Wildlife Interpreter at DFW, is requesting catastrophic leave donations.  Ms. Davis is off work due to a family member’s medical condition and has exhausted her leave balances.

If you wish to donate any of your leave credits, other than sick leave, please complete her Catastrophic Leave Donation Record form and forward it directly to:

Sara Hubert | Personnel Specialist – Region 4
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
1234 East Shaw Avenue
Fresno, CA 93710

Ms. Davis and CAPS extend many thanks in advance for your support!


Environmental Scientist Needs Your Help!

Career State Scientist Renee Roberts of DTSC needs help. Last year she was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the lung. She has a hard road to recovery.  It’s been far slower than she would like. Renee has exhausted her leave credits and is in need of leave contributions in accordance with the Catastrophic Leave Program (MOU Section 3.10). 

To help Renee receive a paycheck until she can return to work, please download and complete her Catastrophic Leave Donation Form.  Designate the amount and type of leave credits you are donating and submit the form to your department personnel/ payroll staff to process.  Renee and CAPS thank ALL who can assist!

CDPH Scientist Needs Our Help

Beverly Hill, an Associate Health Physicist at CDPH in Sacramento, has been out on medical leave and has exhausted all of her leave credits.  This will create a significant hardship for her.  Beverly is requesting catastrophic leave donations as he will continue to be on medical leave for an extended period of time.  Any and all donations will be appreciated.

If you would like to donate leave credits to Beverly, please complete her Catastrophic Leave Donation Authorization Form and forward it to the CDPH Disability Management Unit. 


CAPS and Beverly thank you for your generosity.  Questions about donations to Beverly can be sent to the CDPH Disability Management Unit at 916-636-6232, or

You and your fellow scientists have a chance to speak directly to this administration. Your Bargaining Committee goes back to the table, where our goal is to share the photo petition! 

You can show this administration that you and your colleagues are united in our demand for equitable pay, and a fair contract that ends the gender pay gap for Bargaining Unit 10 by signing this photo petition. It takes about 30 seconds to sign! 

With over 1,500 fellow scientists signing the photo petition already, your participation matters in conveying our message.

Once a majority of state scientists sign, we, the Bargaining Committee, will work with the Contract Action Team (CAT) to present the petition as a photo collage to this administration to demonstrate our collective power. This action is for your salaries and your future

Already signed? Get two of your colleagues to sign the petition as well.  

Participation makes us strong, so take action now!

Check out this link to see how a photo collage from a successful organizing campaign looks. Join your colleagues in making yourself heard as we demand fair pay.