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Supervisors Updates

By Scott Bauer, CAPS Supervisor Director

May 29, 2024

Board Meeting Actions. The quarterly CAPS-UAW, Local 1115 Board of Directors’ Meeting was held on Saturday, May 18, 2024. Actions by your CAPS-UAW Board of Directors included:  

  • Approving the minutes of the February 24, 2024, Board of Directors Meeting.
  • Nominating Alex Rangel (Caltrans, Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist)) and Matthew Palmer (CDCR, Associate Hazardous Materials Specialist) for the vacant District II Director Position.
  • Appointing Alex Rangel (CalTrans, Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist)) as District II Director.
  • Nominating and appointing Robert Haerr (CDPH, Environmental Scientist) as the vacant District IV Director. 
  • Approving Cymbre Hoffman (CDFW OSPR – Seal Beach, Environmental Scientist) as a CAPS-UAW Local Representative.  
  • Approving Robert Haerr (CDPH, Environmental Scientist) as a new CAPS-UAW, Local 1115 Bargaining Committee member. 
  • Approving modified language of the CAPS Bylaws to update the method of delivery of CAPSule.
  • Approving CAPS-UAW, Local 1115’s endorsement of legislative candidates as outlined in the amended memo, dated May 17, 2024, from CAPS-UAW PAC Chair Daniel Ellis to the Board.
  • Approving the endorsement of Roger Dickinson for Sacramento City Council, District 2.
  • Developing a Health and Safety working group – stay tuned for more information! 

The next Board of Directors’ Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 24, 2024. Location will be announced as the date approaches. 

The following CAPS-UAW committee updates were given:

The CAPS-UAW, Local 1115 Endorsed Legislative Candidates. The Board of Directors has made official endorsements on behalf of CAPS-UAW, Local 1115 that can be found on the web page here. The endorsements were made after the Political Action Committee (PAC) reviewed questionnaires and made recommendations based on what would benefit the interests of State Scientists in the realm of our pay, pensions, healthcare, and job security.