Dear State Scientist,

CalHR, representing Governor Newsom, updated CAPS late yesterday on their plans just ahead of the release of the May Revise today. On the call, they informed CAPS of the following items:  

  • The Administration is inviting CAPS and all bargaining units back to the table to reach new agreements that will reduce current employee compensation costs by 10% based on June 2020 fiscal numbers for each unit for a total savings of $1.5 billion in the FY 20-21 budget that starts July 1st.

  • CalHR is open to considering creative solutions which may include:
    • “Pulling back” the July 1 raises. For CAPS this would be the agreed-upon 5% from our currently negotiated MOU. The Administration does not consider the July 1st 5% to be part of the overall 10% reduction. The 10% reduction assumes units agree to defer July 1 contracted raises.
    • Suspending employee contributions to OPEB. Currently, CAPS members pay 2.8%, which would lessen the impact of a 10% compensation reduction.
  • CalHR noted on the call that if Bargaining Units don’t reach agreement on a 10% reduction, a mandatory 2-day furlough will be imposed. The authorization for which will be included in the budget bill language they are submitting.
  • CalHR was also careful to note that newly-negotiated reductions to employee compensation may include language that allows for payroll reduction revisions if federal funding is received. 

CAPS’ Bargaining Team, along with our legal and legislative staff, are currently preparing for the return to the table to discuss negotiations surrounding the 10% savings necessary for the budget. CAPS will be watching the Governor’s Address today and reviewing the actual budget language to compare notes and ensure if there are any nuances that differ from what we heard verbally. CAPS will update the membership after this review.

Now, more than ever, CAPS needs the support of our membership.

Due to the unprecedented impact of the novel coronavirus, all CAPS Alerts have been sent to all State Scientists in Unit 10, members and nonmembers alike. These regular communications are a privilege typically reserved for CAPS members. CAPS feels this information is too important not to share with nonmembers; however, we ask that you consider joining today. We are stronger together. Help us continue to advocate on behalf of all State Scientists. 

Now is the time for unity and solidarity. Join CAPS to ensure your voice is heard. CHOOSE UNITY! CHOOSE STRENGTH! CHOOSE CAPS!

In Solidarity, 

Margarita Gordus, 
CAPS President 

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