Solidarity Break Snapshot
Last week, over 300 State Scientists supported our bargaining team’s fight for a fair contract by participating in one (or more!) of 15 different solidarity breaks. THIS is what collective power looks like and it is built by you and your colleagues, and organized by scientists just like you in the Contract Action Team. Solidarity breaks are attended on personal time and are a great way to get updates on CAPS-UAW business, connect with your peers, and organize around member actions. Check out the CAPS-UAW Local 1115 Solidarity Breaks calendar to find one that works for you.

Attend a Member Action Committee Meeting
Your CAPS-UAW Member Action Committee (MAC) will be meeting this coming Monday, June 10th from 12-1p and invite members to register to attend. This committee’s meeting schedule is now reflected on the CAPS-UAW events calendar (along with Power Hours and other events) and the link to register will be in the description for each scheduled meeting.
What is the MAC and what does it do?
The Member Action Committee (MAC) is responsible for the ongoing coordination of union actions in support of contract campaigns, organizing participation and engagement in actions, and oversight of the Contract Action Team (CAT). The CAT is defined as a statewide network of State Scientists (just like you!) who are dedicated to taking action and organizing State CAPS Scientists to win a fair contract.
Why attend a MAC meeting?
The MAC is made up of fellow state scientists doing our best to fulfill our mission and do right by the membership. Your attendance at our meetings provides transparency, accountability, and a way to be more involved in your union. We want you to see the collaboration and discussions that impact your union and see how these voluntary roles in our union are filled by state scientists from across our diverse membership. Share your ideas, critiques, and questions with us by emailing
In Solidarity,
Your CAPS-UAW Member Action Committee