Dear Colleague,

On June 18, 2020, Governor Newsom released a statewide order for the use of face coverings while in public. The same afternoon, CalHR, in conjunction with CDPH, released additional guidance to all departments regarding steps for individuals to take to reduce the risk of COVID 19 in California State Facilities. You can view it here.

The guidance includes updated instructions to state employees on the use of face coverings in accordance with State of California and CDPH guidelines.

This information was released as three different instances of potential exposures have been reported from two departments that employ State Scientists. In the past week, there have been potential exposure reports at CDPH (1500 Capitol Avenue Sacramento, CA 95814 and 2 MacArthur Place, Suite 100 Santa Ana, CA 92707) and CalRecycle (801 K Street Sacramento, CA 95814). The following notices were sent to those that may have been in the building: CDPH Sacramento, CDPH Santa Ana, CalRecycle Sacramento.

CAPS is continuing to urge departments to release the notices to ALL employees as opposed to those who were accounted for in the building. With California progressing through re-opening at break-neck speed it is more important than ever to stay vigilant and to do your part to protect yourself and your colleagues. We are all in this together. If you have questions or concerns regarding your individual return to the office, be sure to contact CAPS (!

Updates on Voluntary Personal Leave Program. CAPS released information in June 2nd’s Bargaining Update regarding the Voluntary Personal Leave Program (VPLP) benefit, used by many members. In that email, members were encouraged to examine their specific, individual needs as they related to the Governor’s proposed cuts to employee compensation and determine if they needed to make changes. CAPS encouraged members to opt for cancellation or modification prior to June 20 to allow the state time to process the cancellation or modification appropriately. As of this writing, Bargaining discussions have included the ability to modify or cancel VPLP any time should a tentative solution be reached with the Administration. Absent an agreement, the current MOU language will remain in effect: “Modifications (including resuming or ending) to an employee’s VPLP election can be done on a quarterly basis.”  However, CalHR has verbally indicated that employees should be able to cancel their VPLP in time for any impacts to the July pay warrant. If you encounter any issues with modifying or changing your VPLP, contact CAPS (

Due to the unprecedented events impacting State Scientists this year, all CAPS Alerts have been sent to all State Scientists in Unit 10, members and nonmembers alike. These regular communications are a privilege typically reserved for CAPS members. CAPS feels this information is too important not to share with nonmembers; however, we ask that you consider joining today. We are stronger together. Help us continue to advocate on behalf of all State Scientists.

Now is the time for unity and solidarity. Join CAPS to ensure your voice is heard. CHOOSE UNITY! CHOOSE STRENGTH! CHOOSE CAPS!

In Solidarity, 

CAPS Executive Committee

Margarita Gordus

Daniel Ellis
Vice President

Kelley Aubushon

Kris Wiese

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