Dear Colleague,

California Continues Reopening. As California begins the process of reopening, CAPS has urged the State, at all levels, to protect the health and safety of State Scientists upon their return. CAPS has been in contact with Departments and CalHR, urging the State to follow the guidance of health officials and ensure that State Scientists do not have to place themselves in harm’s way in order to continue protecting California and Californian’s public health, environment, food supply, and natural resources. 

CAPS received word on May 22 that CalHR would be issuing guidance to Departments surrounding safely reopening state offices during the COVID19 pandemic. The guidelines, which were released to Departments on June 3, encourage a strong recommendation for face coverings for employees when in the vicinity of others; training for the proper use of face coverings; and emphasizing that employees should never approach coworkers or members of the public who are not wearing a face covering for the purpose of attempting to enforce any face-covering recommendation. 

As a result of CalHR’s announcement, President Gordus wrote a letter to CalHR advocating for the continuation of  telework agreements and alternate work week schedules as a way to reduce contact; promoting physical distancing for those who need to be in the office; adding physical barriers between low walls when physical distancing cannot be guaranteed at all times; ensuring PPE is available for all employees on-site; ensuring field safety protocols created with the assistance of public health officials are in place; and emphasizing the need for staff to stay at home when sick. 

The full guidance text can be found on CalHR’s website here. The checklist for safely reopening can be found here

CAPS Needs YOU. All budget proposals for the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year put forth by California Legislators require the assistance of federal aid to establish a balanced budget, as is constitutionally-required. CAPS members can help secure that aid by calling or writing to your federal legislators and encouraging them to pass the HEROES act, or similar legislation.

Don’t know who your federal representative is? It’s simple, dial 844-967-2163 to be connected with your Senator and 202-224-3121 to be connected with your Representative. CAPS has put together an example letter for your use here. You can also go online to find your representatives and email them. Find your Representative here and your Senator here. Help CAPS help you by helping California!

Due to the unprecedented impact of the novel coronavirus, all CAPS Alerts have been sent to all State Scientists in Unit 10, members and nonmembers alike. These regular communications are a privilege typically reserved for CAPS members. CAPS feels this information is too important not to share with nonmembers; however, we ask that you consider joining today. We are stronger together. Help us continue to advocate on behalf of all State Scientists. 

Now is the time for unity and solidarity. Join CAPS to ensure your voice is heard. CHOOSE UNITY! CHOOSE STRENGTH! CHOOSE CAPS!

In Solidarity, 

CAPS Executive Committee

Margarita Gordus

Daniel Ellis
Vice President

Kelley Aubushon

Kris Wiese

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