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Supervisors Updates

By Scott Bauer, CAPS Supervisor Director

July 9, 2021

CalHR Releases Pay Letter Indicating LPLW Tie Still In Effect. CalHR released a pay letter on July 8, indicating that the S10 and M10 Supervisory and Managerial State Scientists whose classifications were tied to Supervisory and Managerial State Engineers in the 2008 Like Pay for Like Work (LPLW) Lawsuit is still being maintained. Those in the following classifications will see the 5.58% increase to match their engineering peers, not the 7.63% increase that would match them to their Rank and File State Scientist counterparts: Integrated Waste Program Manager, Environmental Program Manager I (Managerial), Environmental Program Manager II, Program Manager I, California Bay-Delta Authority, Program Manager II, California Bay-Delta Authority, Program Manager III, California Bay-Delta Authority, Supervising Industrial Hygienist, Energy Resource Specialist III (Managerial), Supervising Industrial Hygiene Specialist, State Compensation Insurance Fund, Environmental Program Manager I (Supervisory), Supervising Integrated Waste Management Specialist I, Senior Environmental Scientist (Supervisory), Land and Water Use Program Manager I, Senior Land and Water Use Scientist, Senior Seismologist, Senior Industrial Hygienist, Energy Commission Supervisor II (Technology Evaluation and Development), Energy Commission Supervisor II (Forecasting), Energy Resources Specialist III (Supervisory), Energy Commission Supervisor II (Efficiency), Senior Industrial Hygiene Specialist, State Compensation Insurance Fund, Senior Ergonomic Specialist, State Compensation Insurance Fund.

This pay letter contradicts notice given to CAPS weeks ago that indicated the State was planning to provide  all Supervisory and Managerial employees commensurate raises to their rank-and-file counterparts regardless of the LPLW established relationships. While this tie is positive, CAPS has requested another Meet and Confer with CalHR to discuss the conflicting notices further, and request the addition of the 0.8% increase that was not given to LPLW classes, but was given to Engineering classes, back in 2015. Specifically, on July 7, 2015, Pay Letter 15-15 provided a 3.3% General Salary Increase for S09 classifications and a 2.5% General Salary Increase for S10 classifications. This 0.8% should be corrected for all LPLW S10 classes since the most recent information contained in the Pay Letter illustrates the State is going to continue to match LPLW classes to their engineering peers, as is appropriate. You can view the July 2021 pay letter here.

The Pay Letter also confirmed what was reported previously for Non-LPLW S10 and M10 classifications, that they will receive the 7.63% increase, commensurate with their rank-and-file counterparts.

More information as soon as possible. The CAPS Supervisors’ Committee will share any new information as it comes out. Thank you for your ongoing support.

CAPS Member Needs Our Help!  California Department of Fish and Wildlife Environmental Scientist and CAPS Member Crystal Sinclair has requested catastrophic leave donations in order to continue receiving pay and benefits.  Section 3.10 of the CAPS MOU allows the transfer of the following types of leave credits as catastrophic leave: CTO, Personal Leave, Annual Leave, Vacation, Personal Day, and/or Holiday Credit. If donating Personal Holidays, they must be donated in whole-day increments per  the donating employee’s time base. All other donations must be made in a minimum of one hour (1.00) increments. Sick leave cannot be donated. If you can spare even ONE HOUR, it would greatly assist this member.  CAPS is grateful to all who can assist.  Download the donation form here.

In Review. July 5, 2021. New Fiscal Year, Benefit Reset. With a new fiscal year commencing (FY 2021-22), the following benefits re-set for the coming year: Personal Holiday (one credited per fiscal year), Arduous Duty Differential (up to four months per fiscal year), Professional Development Days (two days given per fiscal year), and Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Sessions (three sessions per State Scientist, and three sessions for their spouse or domestic partner and dependents per fiscal year). Don’t forget that you have access to all of these!

Read the rest of the entries, or see what else you may have missed on the CAPS Website here: The password is S10CAPS – it IS case-sensitive.

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