Dear Supervisory and Managerial State Scientists,

CalHR has officially released the State’s plans for so-called “excluded” employees (those excluded from the Ralph C. Dills Act which governs collective bargaining) with regard to the employee compensation reductions required by the State Budget as a result of the Pandemic Recession.

Supervisory and Managerial State Scientists will be subject to the following, effective July 1, 2020:  

  • Personal Leave Program (PLP) 2020 – Supervisory State Scientists will accrue two days of Personal Leave Credit per month in exchange for a 9.23% salary reduction (equivalent to two days’ pay);
    • PLP 2020 leave shall be administered in the same manner as other leave, with priority given to elimination of PLP 2020 leave accumulation.
    • PLP 2020 leave shall not be cashed out except upon separation from state service.
  • Employee Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) contributions, or the prefunding of retiree healthcare, will be suspended for the 2020-21 Fiscal Year. This contribution appears on your pay warrant as “CERBT.”
    • This will return 2.8% to employee paychecks.
  • Vacation/Annual Leave cap expansion. State Scientist Supervisors will be eligible to accrue Vacation/Annual Leave in excess of the 640 hour cap at a rate of 16 additional hours each month for the duration of the PLP 2020 program.
  • Able to Opt-Out of Voluntary Personal Leave Program (VPLP) any time. Excluded employees are able to opt-out of VPLP at any point during the 2020-21 Fiscal Year.
  • No General Salary Increases (GSIs). No excluded employees in any unit will receive a GSI in the 2020-21 Fiscal Year.

You can read CalHR’s full notice here.

CAPS Supervisor’s Committee will continue to request Meet-and-Confers with the Administration whenever increased State income is identified and to discuss non-compensation-related benefit increases for the future. 


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