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Supervisors Updates

By Scott Bauer, CAPS Supervisor Director

July 2, 2020

Supervisor’s Committee Sent Proposals to CalHR. As discussed in previous emails, CAPS Supervisor Director, Scott Bauer, requested to Meet and Confer with CalHR surrounding the legislatively-approved employee compensation reductions, shortly after Governor Newsom announced the need for them. Since that time, the Supervisor’s Committee (the password is S10CAPS – it is case-sensitive) has been advised that CalHR will meet with the Committee, but have encountered scheduling conflicts that prevented an official Meet-and-Confer. No other group representing State Supervisors has held a Meet-and-Confer with CalHR regarding this topic.

Why is Meeting Now So Important? Assembly Bill 84 (AB 84), the final iteration of the State Budget that went to Governor Newsom’s desk, declined to fund any General Salary Increases (GSIs) for any Bargaining Unit in State Service, and required that employee compensation reductions “be achieved through any combination of the following: (1) memoranda of understanding or addenda reached pursuant to Section 3517.5 of the Government Code, (2) furloughs, and (3) other reductions for non-represented employees achieved with existing administration and statutory authority.” Because of this, on Monday, the Supervisor’s Committee sent proposals to CalHR, in order to ensure that State Scientist Supervisor’s voices were heard BEFORE the Newsom Administration enacts the legislatively-approved reductions.

What Were the Proposals? The CAPS Supervisor’s Committee focused on proposals that would lessen the impact of the cuts on State Scientist Supervisor’s paychecks, while still meeting the budgetary obligations. At the same time, the Committee opted to inform CalHR of the hardships these cuts will create for their so-called “excluded” employees. The CAPS Supervisor’s Committee plans to formally present these proposals to CalHR during a Meet-and-Confer at the earliest opportunity. You can view the proposals here (the password is S10CAPS – it is case-sensitive).

CAPS Insurance Premium Adjustment. Some CAPS members who have insurance through CAPS with The Standard Insurance Company will see an increase in their insurance premium deduction effective with their pay warrant received at the end of June (July 1 warrants for retired CAPS members).

Members who turned 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, or 60 since July 1, 2019, will see an age-related premium increase as specified in plan documents. (Please note that The Standard Insurance Company does not send individual letters notifying affected individuals of these increases.)

Everyone should periodically review their estate plan to ensure that loved ones are financially secure in case of death or disability.  If you want more information about CAPS low-cost insurance benefits, or obtaining a quote on insurance coverage- with the convenience of payroll deduction-please contact CAPS (, or visit the CAPS insurance web page: