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Supervisors Updates

By Scott Bauer, CAPS Supervisor Director

January 29, 2020

Worksite Meeting Scheduled at CalEPA Building. A worksite meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 21, 2020, in the Byron Sher Auditorium at the CalEPA Building in Sacramento (1001 I Street, Sacramento) from 12 – 1 p.m. CAPS Board Members and Staff will be in attendance to listen to you about what’s happening in your workplace. Your CAPS Board of Directors intends to schedule more frequent worksite meetings, including one before each Board of Directors’ Meeting for the duration of their term. The meeting is open to CAPS members only. Seating is limited; first come, first served.

CalPERS Benefits Education Events. CalPERS is hosting two free all-day Education Events in San Luis Obispo on Friday, February 7, and Saturday, February 8, to educate members in the area about the state retirement programs and benefits available to them. Both days will feature classes for early-career, mid-career, and soon-to-retire members, with most classes repeating to better accommodate schedules.  Topics to be covered include CalPERS retirement benefits, CalPERS health benefits, deferred compensation savings plans, and Social Security.

CalPERS members are welcome to attend on Friday, Saturday, or to participate in classes on both days.  The Events will be held at the Embassy Suites, 333 Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on both days. For a schedule, more details, online registration, and a calendar of additional CalPERS Education Events planned around the state, please visit their website:

Board of Directors’ Meeting Draft Agenda Posted. The Draft Agenda for the upcoming Board of Directors’ Meeting can be found on the Members-Only section of the CAPS Website. The password is Winter2020. It is case-sensitive. The next Board of Directors’ meeting is scheduled for Saturday, February 22, 2020 at the Holiday Inn Sacramento Downtown Arena (300 J Street, Sacramento) at 10 a.m. All members are welcome to attend; parking will be validated.

News Briefs

Shipyard radiation tests around housing were sound, scientist panel says, but questions remain. The method used by scientists with the California Department of Public Health to declare areas of the polluted former Navy shipyard at Hunters Point free of harmful radioactive material was sound, according to results of an expert panel’s review released Friday. However, the panel’s limited mandate-coupled with its finding that the Navy has misled local citizens, and a reliance on limited information and a sketchy history-is not enough to satisfy cleanup watchdogs, who insist on more comprehensive testing of the federal Superfund site on which housing has already been built.