January 14, 2021 Update

The Committee. The CAPS Membership Communication Committee is responsible for overseeing CAPS’ publications for members, and for overseeing matters concerning membership, such as recruitment. In the past, this committee oversaw the creation of a host of infographics for CAPS members. These infographics can be found on the CAPS website here.

Today’s Update: The Truth About Union Membership.

Just by being a State Scientist in Bargaining Unit 10, you’re afforded certain rights.

However, unless you’re a dues-paying member of CAPS, you do not have the full access to the benefits CAPS provides, which most importantly, includes representation through CAPS.

For example, only dues-paying members of CAPS receive representation on disciplinary matters. When you hear or read that your salary “stays the same” regardless of whether you pay union dues, they’re not considering the whole picture. Consider this: if you receive an Adverse Action, your pay will likely change. Sure, nonmembers receive the negotiated salary changes bargained for by the union along with members, but there are mechanisms for the State to decrease your pay on an individual basis. For instance, if you were to receive an Adverse Action, the State can decrease your pay as a “remedy.”

If you’re a dues-paying member, CAPS assists you through the appeals process where CAPS’ goal is to overturn that financial hit to your wallet. Members who have received them have often reported they felt their Adverse Action came out of nowhere. If you’re not a dues-paying member when you receive one, you’re not entitled to representation from CAPS, which means you’ll have to go up against your Department’s attorneys at a hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge without us. Will the people telling you that your salary won’t change whether you pay dues or not be there to represent you with their attorneys in an Adverse Action? They can say your salary won’t change, but it’s not their money on the line, and they won’t be there when you need help the most. That’s what CAPS is for. Convincing you to drop your membership helps the anti-union efforts achieve their goal of weakening all unions by eroding our collective strength, more on their goals and tactics later.

CAPS has a proven track record, and will continue to fight for the competitive salaries and benefits for all State Scientists. While CAPS represents all State Scientists and their interests at the bargaining table with the State of California, your membership provides for the additional individual representation afforded to members, including you, to protect the hard-fought salaries and benefits that each individual State Scientist has earned.

CAPS Members receive the best possible representation by employment experts – lawyers, labor consultants, and other full-time professional staff, dedicated to protecting your rights as an employee. If you are faced with an uncomfortable situation at work, most of the time you are allowed a CAPS representative to attend with you – without a union, you would be forced to attend those kinds of meetings alone. A CAPS representative will be there to ensure that your rights are protected as spelled out in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), in the Government Code, and within State regulations.

The law and CAPS bylaws provide that CAPS only owes representation to those who are members, or who pay a Fair Share Fee. Since Fair Share Fees no longer exist, CAPS will no longer provide representation on things like Merit Salary Adjustments (MSAs), Merit Issue Complaints, Rejections During Probation, Adverse Actions, or other workplace conflicts unless you are a member.

Sadly, a now-former Unit 10 scientist learned this lesson the hard way. The Unit 10 member had dropped their CAPS membership and only re-joined after learning a complaint had been filed against them. Unfortunately, staff had to inform the member that since the alleged misconduct occurred while they were not a member of CAPS, they would not receive representation on an appeal. A harsh reminder that membership matters. We all want to think this won’t happen to us. But it can and does, often when we least expect it.

State Scientists are stronger together, working as one. When we stand together, we have collective power. Through the collective power of our members, CAPS has the resources to protect our retirement, maintain quality health benefits, represent our members in the workplace, and make sure that equitable pay is our top priority at the bargaining table. Thank you for your membership and recognizing the value of CAPS!

CAPS Member Communication Committee,

Kelley Aubushon (Chair),
Daniel Ellis,
Vice President
Kris Wiese,
Justin D. Garcia,
District III Director
Monty Larson,
District V Director
Jimmy Spearow,
Director At-Large



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