July 23, 2024

Please read this email in its entirety as it contains important updates and meeting logistics for the Membership Meeting – TOMORROW Wednesday, July 24, 2024 6-7pm. The membership is the highest authority of the union. With this in mind, your CAPS-UAW Bargaining Committee requests YOU attend a Membership Meeting this Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 6-7 pm to … Read more

June 7, 2024

Solidarity Break Snapshot Last week, over 300 State Scientists supported our bargaining team’s fight for a fair contract by participating in one (or more!) of 15 different solidarity breaks. THIS is what collective power looks like and it is built by you and your colleagues, and organized by scientists just like you in the Contract Action … Read more

May 27, 2021 Update

The Committee: The Benefits Committee is responsible for the establishment and administration of CAPS members’ insurance and other membership-related benefits. A majority of this committee’s activity includes reviewing CAPS members’ and their dependents’ quarterly professional grant and annual scholarship applications. Today’s Message: CAPS is pleased to announce that the CAPS Board recently voted to increase … Read more

May 20, 2021 Update

The Committee. The Benefits Committee is responsible for the establishment and administration of CAPS members’ insurance and other membership-related benefits. A majority of this committee’s activity includes reviewing CAPS members’ and their dependents’ quarterly professional grant and annual scholarship applications. Today’s Update: Re-apply for a $500 CAPS Dependent Scholarship before June 1 College costs continue to rise, … Read more

April 15, 2021 Update

The Committee. The CAPS Membership Communication Committee is responsible for overseeing CAPS’ publications for members, and for overseeing matters concerning membership, such as recruitment. In the past, this committee oversaw the creation of a host of infographics for CAPS members. These infographics can be found on the CAPS website here. Today’s Update: The Goals of the Anti-Union Efforts. … Read more

April 5, 2021 Update

The Committee. Today’s Committee Update comes to you courtesy of the CAPS Member Action Ad-Hoc Committee, or MAC. The MAC is responsible for motivating members to take action to support the union’s efforts. Please Sign these Petitions! Dear CAPS Members, The petition created by CAPS members and amplified by the MAC is very close to … Read more

February 18, 2021 Update

The Committee. The CAPS Public Relations (PR) Committee is responsible for the production of materials, media campaigns, and events to further the image of State Scientists and CAPS in the eyes of the public. Their largest event each year is State Scientist Day, which draws more than 2,500 third-through sixth-grade students to the State Capitol … Read more

January 14, 2021 Update

The Committee. The CAPS Membership Communication Committee is responsible for overseeing CAPS’ publications for members, and for overseeing matters concerning membership, such as recruitment. In the past, this committee oversaw the creation of a host of infographics for CAPS members. These infographics can be found on the CAPS website here. Today’s Update: The Truth About Union Membership. … Read more

December 17, 2020 Update

The Committee. The CAPS Public Relations (PR) Committee is responsible for the production of materials, media campaigns, and events to further the image of State Scientists and CAPS in the eyes of the public. Their largest event each year is State Scientist Day, which draws more than 2,500 third-through sixth-grade students to the State Capitol … Read more

December 3, 2020 Update

The Committee. The CAPS Membership Communication Committee is responsible for overseeing CAPS’ publications for members, and for overseeing matters concerning membership, such as recruitment. In the past, this committee oversaw the creation of a host of infographics for CAPS members. These infographics can be found on the CAPS website here. Today’s Update: CAPS Defends Pensions So You … Read more