New Bylaws
Our affiliation agreement, which the CAPS-UAW membership voted to ratify in March 2024, requires we submit local bylaws that conform with the UAW Constitution to the UAW International Executive Board (IEB) for approval by March 31, 2025.
Final Draft of Bylaws - 02/19/2025
These bylaws are an exciting step towards building a more democratic union where we are all empowered to advocate and stand up for each other and ourselves. Every time we do that, we build our power as a union and that translates directly to work-place wins! Voting starts on Monday, March 3rd. Stay tuned for more information on the vote and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Your Vote is Your Voice:
Once approved by the Board, members will have the opportunity to vote on the revised bylaws. Here’s how it will work:
- Voting will be conducted via secret ballot, through ElectionBuddy, a secure, third-party electronic voting system.
- The secret ballot will ask: “Approve the CAPS-UAW Local 1115 Bylaws?”
- Members will have the option to approve, reject, or abstain.
Voting Period:
- Start: 8:00 AM, Monday, March 3, 2025
- End: 5:00 PM, Friday, March 28, 2025
You have to be a member by 5PM on Sunday, March 2 to participate in the vote. Scientists that join after that date and time will not be provided with a ballot. Click here to join the majority of State Scientists, and become a member of our union.
The membership is the highest authority of our union. You and your colleague’s participation is critical to shaping our union’s future! Grab your coworkers, mark your calendar, attend the meetings, and cast your vote. By showing up, sharing your ideas, and voting, you’re helping to build a more powerful, democratic CAPS-UAW.