In This Issue:
Click the following on the following topics to jump to content:
- Ratification Vote Percentages!
- We Did It! (But Our Work is Just Starting)
- Make a Contribution to Your Newsletter
- CalPERS Releases 2025 Health Benefits Premiums - Here's Your Cost
- CAPS-UAW Awards 4 Professional Development Grants to Members
- 2024 CAPS-UAW Dependent Scholarship Winners Announced
- Membership Numbers
Ratification Vote Percentages
On August 23, your CAPS-UAW Board of Directors announced that rank-and-file members overwhelmingly ratified the Total Tentative Agreement with the State.
Percentage of CAPS-UAW Rank-and-File Who Voted:
Percentage of “Yes” Votes to Ratify
WE DID IT! (But Our Work is Just Starting)
On August 23, our CAPS-UAW Board of Directors announced that we ratified the Total Tentative Agreement reached with the State! The outcome came after 91% of our rank-and-file members – a record for our union – participated in the vote, and an overwhelming 97% voted “yes.”
Once the Legislature ratifies the agreement and appropriates the funds for it, and the governor signs that legislation, the agreement becomes our new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), commonly called our “contract.” You can read the entire MOU here or review a summary of highlights here.
While our new contract is an incredibly significant moment for our union and a powerful measure of our solidarity and strength, it also signals new challenges we must collectively address. A contract is only as meaningful as its enforcement, so together we must be vigilant to ensure our employer upholds their end of the agreement. So familiarize yourself with the provisions of your contract, join upcoming Know Your Rights meetings, and immediately report MOU violations here.
Now that we have ratified our TTA, our CAPS-UAW Supervisors Committee will request to meet and confer with the administration to urge that benefits rank-and-file employees won collectively through bargaining are extended to the supervisors and managers we also represent. These benefits include Geopay, Longevity Pay, and State Disability Insurance. The Supervisors Committee will prioritize extending the salary raises to “not yet” Like Pay for Like Work (LPLW) classifications that have not received the same raises (e.g., the recent 2% increase in July) as their LPLW colleagues.
We will continue strengthening our union and deploying our collective power in the days, weeks, and months ahead. We will increase our outreach to State Scientists who are not yet CAPS-UAW members and educate them about how our union empowers workers to advocate for themselves and their colleagues. We will politically organize to support our friends and oppose those who are against workers organizing and exercising collective power. And, of course, we will renew our work to secure a truly equitable MOU when our new agreement expires on July 1, 2027.
This contract isn’t the end … it’s the beginning.
Make a Contribution to Your Newsletter!
Your CAPSule newsletter is launching a new opportunity for you and other CAPS-UAW members to respond to a question. Some answers will be published in our next edition. Here’s the question for September’s issue:
How will the new CAPS-UAW contract positively impact you?
Complete this form to submit your contribution. Provide your name, phone number; employing board, department, or office; job classification; and home office location so other members can learn a little about you. The deadline for submissions is September 17.
Ahead of Open Enrollment, CalPERS recently published the monthly premiums for all its 2025 health benefits options. We took the data further and tabulated rank-and-file State Scientists’ monthly out-of-pocket costs for each medical plan after the State pays its contractual share. These tables also show the 2024 costs for comparison purposes. Please note that dollar amounts are rounded.
This year, Open Enrollment starts September 16 and ends October 11. Changes take effect on January 1, 2025. (CalPERS Open Enrollment does not include dental or vision benefits, which CalHR administers. Please contact your personnel office to change those plans.)
Supervisors and managers are covered by what is known as CoBen. The State makes a contribution that the employee can apply to health and dental premiums. For 2025, the CoBen benefit allowance is $907 for one employee, $1,750 for an employee and one dependent, and $2,262 for an employee and two or more dependents.
CAPS-UAW Awards 4 Professional Development Grants to Members
Your CAPS-UAW Member Benefits Committee awards up to four $500 Professional Development Grants four times each year. The grants fund members’ research, education, and other professional advancement activities that the State does not fully subsidize.
The award recipients for the 2nd quarter of this year include (touch photos for more information about each winner):




The next deadline to apply for a Professional Development Grant is September 30. For more details, go to Certain limitations apply. Questions? Contact CAPS-UAW staff at 916-441-2629 or
2024 CAPS-UAW Dependent Scholarship Winners Announced
For many years, your CAPS-UAW Member Benefits Committee has awarded college scholarships to dependents of CAPS-UAW members. The Committee congratulates the 15 students who each received $750 this year. Touch or click on the photos for more information about each winner.

Membership Numbers
Your CAPS-UAW Board of Directors has challenged us to grow our membership – including rank-and-file, supervisors and managers – to 80% of State Scientists in Unit 10. Here’s where we are as of June 1. Tell a colleague about our movement, and let’s keep growing our collective strength! Here’s where we are as of August 26, which includes rank-and-file, supervisors, and manager membership numbers.