August 4, 2022 Bargaining Update

Highlights (see paragraphs below for more detail on these topics):

  • CAPS shared new member letters, an additional article about the importance of recruiting and retaining State Scientists and a podcast that highlighted the article.
  • CAPS passed two proposals to the State – 2.xx and 6.1
  • One section was tentatively agreed to: 6.2
  • CalHR brought in Subject Matter Experts on internal classification ties and State Disability Insurance
  • Continued discussions on economic items
  • Future dates scheduled

Member Letters Passed. Last week, the CAPS Team shared three member letters with the State. The first letter is one that was passed previously, updated with current inflation figures and now signed by 350 State Scientists. The letter calls for a significantly better compensation proposal from the State. Next, the Team shared a letter from a Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist) at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) in the Habitat Conservation program. The member noted that they have been in state service for 20 years and had hoped to complete their career with CDFW, but is currently keeping an open mind for other job opportunities in order to obtain a competitive salary. The third letter, from an Environmental Scientist in the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board’s 401 Water Quality Certification Unit, notes that their work provides resources that are critical to the State. However, the work that scientists do in the 401 Unit are compensated at 40% less than engineers doing similar work. The member concludes by asking for a viable career for scientific professionals. You can view all the letters passed here:

The CAPS Team Reported on Additional News Articles. On July 25, 2022, CalMatters published an article titled “Stress relief or toxic exposure? State cautions ‘rage rooms’ may deliver unwanted release“. It reports on rage rooms which are growing in popularity, and the hazardous impacts to the people participating, the owners and their staff, and the environment. CalMatters interviewed scientists who are responsible for inspecting facilities that generate or handle E-waste. The program these scientists work under is so understaffed that these scientists were able to inspect one, and only one, rage room in 2019. During that inspection, it was clear that this industry warrants regulation by State Scientists. So now, with an understaffed program, the public is being exposed to potentially hazardous materials in conjunction with an industry segment that isn’t being regulated. Without the ability to attract scientists to the state with competitive compensation, industries like this – that seem innocent enough – will wreak havoc on Californians who are unknowingly exposed.

The CAPS Team additionally shared the podcast hosted by Bill Handel, that covered information released in the CalMatters article and called for State Scientists to be paid equitably. The show focuses on State Scientists’ issues from 26 minutes and 30 seconds into his show, until 35 minutes and 16 seconds.

Continued Discussion with CalHR and a Personnel Management Division SME. The State continued discussions on the compensation proposals  and answered some lingering questions that your CAPS Team presented during previous meetings. CAPS requested that a Subject Matter Expert (SME) be present to explain the State’s perspective on the groupings that CAPS presented in our May 24 and June 10 proposals. In those proposals, the CAPS Team provided groups of classifications that we believe have similar minimum qualifications, levels of responsibility, and expertise. While CAPS continues to contend that the structure of the Unit needs to be restored to a logical framework, CAPS is willing to review what the State has to share. During the resulting discussion, the CAPS Team pointed out flaws with CalHR’s existing data and contends that the Administration should revamp their collection in order to ensure that what is collected is specific to the Unit that is at the table.

Because of the information the CAPS Team brought forward and the questions we have been asking at the table, CalHR is willing to explore capturing more meaningful data moving forward. Following the State’s SME’s presentation, the CAPS Team submitted an official information request for more in-depth information about what the SME had shared, including which classifications the State believes are tied to one another.

The CAPS Team reiterated that the Union is looking to restore our Unit’s historical logical salary structure that provides compensation recognizing minimum qualifications, level of responsibility, and expertise; emphasizing how it is a benefit to the State to ensure our Unit’s historical, logical structure is restored. Your CAPS Team continues to stand firm in this message to the State.

Subject Matter Expert from CalHR on State Disability Insurance. The CAPS Team also invited additional SMEs from the State to walk through a presentation on State Disability Insurance (SDI) and how the State runs the program. These continued discussions on SDI are to ensure that any negotiated change results in the best benefit for members, based on the membership vote from June 29, 2022.

CAPS Team Passed Proposals. Two proposals were passed by the CAPS Team last week: 2.xx – Emergency Response Bonus Pay and 6.1 – Business and Travel. The first proposal (2.xx) was passed in order to obtain additional recognition for State Scientists who were ineligible to obtain overtime compensation (Work Week Group E scientists) during the pandemic when they were quintessential in performing analysis and testing to help mitigate the spread. You can view all of CAPS’ proposals passed this round of Bargaining here.

Tentative Agreements Made. The Teams Tentatively Agreed (TA’d) to Section 6.2 – Relocation Expenses. You can view the TA Packets here.

August Dates. The CAPS Team will meet with the State’s Team in August to continue efforts to work toward a successor agreement before the Legislature adjourns for the year.

Member Actions. Stay tuned for more member actions to support your CAPS Bargaining Team. Your actions are truly making a difference. Keep up the heat!


Join your colleagues tomorrow for a May Day event to highlight the continued struggles workers face every day! 

Unfair, inequitable pay and arbitrary sweeping mandates like RTO show that employers don’t value labor. Stand up for our collective right to fair wages and working conditions!