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Supervisors Updates

By Scott Bauer, CAPS Supervisor Director

August 30, 2023

A Supervisor’s FAQ About the Rank-and-File Strike Authorization Vote

CAPS has received several questions from Supervisory CAPS Members after the recent announcement of the ongoing Rank-and-File Strike Authorization Vote. Here are some answers to help! 

QuestionCAPS’ Answer
Can I participate in a strike, should CAPS go on strike?No. The request for a strike authorization comes from the Rank-and-File Board of Directors, and pertains only to Rank-and-File Members. As a supervisory/excluded employee, you are not covered under the Dills Act, and do not have the right to go on strike if and when the Rank-and-File do.
Did all the CAPS Board Members Vote on the Strike Authorization?No. All CAPS Board Members in Supervisory positions recused themselves from the special board meeting, and did not vote. All rank-and-file board members present at the meeting voted unanimously to approve the strike authorization vote on behalf of the Rank-and-File State Scientists. 
Can I talk to my staff about a strike? The Dills Act and Excluded Employee Bill of Rights prohibit excluded employees (supervisors and manager) from participating in certain activities that pertain only to rank-and-file employees. CAPS advises CAPS Supervisors and Managers to refrain from discussing the strike authorization vote, or any aspect of bargaining, with their subordinates. Most departments also have policies prohibiting this activity. CAPS recommends following Department policy. Violating state law or department policy could subject you to disciplinary action by your employer. CAPS may not be able to assist members who disregard CAPS’s advice and knowingly violate department policy.
What do I do if my staff ask me questions? Inform them that there is a departmental policy that prevents you from discussing this with them, so you cannot speak about it with them and advise them to call CAPS with their questions.

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out to CAPS at with any questions you might have. We’re happy to help!