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Supervisors Updates

By Scott Bauer, CAPS Supervisor Director

August 14, 2020

Worksite Meetings Before August 22nd Board of Directors’ Meeting. In advance of the Board of Directors’ Meeting on Saturday, August 22, 2020, the CAPS Board of Directors will be hosting virtual “worksite” meetings to allow members a forum to hear from and ask questions of Board Members. The meeting will begin with a presentation by the Board covering recent events and the effects of the novel coronavirus (including bargaining for the Legislatively-required employee compensation reductions), and end with a Question and Answer session.

Due to scheduling considerations for members, and software limitations which allow a maximum of 1,000 attendees, multiple worksite meetings will be held during the week leading up to the Board of Directors’ Meeting. Worksite meetings will be held on Wednesday, August 19 (for members in Districts 1 and 5), Thursday, August 20 (for members in Districts 2 and 4), and Friday, August 21 (for members in District 3), from noon – 1 p.m. Members will need to pre-register to attend.

Virtual Worksite Meeting Participant Expectations. As CAPS participates in this first foray into virtual meetings, please bear with us as we attempt to remedy any technical issues that may arise. In order to help us have the most successful and productive meeting possible, please ensure you read and abide by the Virtual Meeting Participant Expectations. It will ensure a smooth meeting for you, the Board, and your fellow members.

News Briefs. 

We heard from 600 California state workers in a coronavirus survey. Here are their concerns – Six hundred people responded to a survey The Sacramento Bee posted online two weeks ago asking California state workers how their departments and their unions are doing during the coronavirus.  The results show how deeply the virus is affecting employees tasked with carrying out much of the state’s response to a deadly pandemic. Some workers are stressed out and scared, frustrated and disappointed. Others are proud of department leaders who responded quickly and took their concerns seriously.

State’s COVID Data Flawed; Technical Issue Cited – Health officials in multiple California counties say the electronic system used by most local health departments statewide to report data on infectious diseases is currently experiencing “serious” technical issues, resulting in coronavirus cases being significantly undercounted.

Oakland A’s file lawsuit over alleged pollution at facility near Howard Terminal, proposed ballpark site – The Oakland A’s are heading to court as they try to build their new ballpark near Jack London Square.  On Wednesday, Oakland Athletics President Dave Kaval announced a lawsuit was filed against California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control over alleged pollution at Schnitzer Steel’s metal shredding facility next to the Howard Terminal. In a series of tweets, Kaval announced, the lawsuit in pursuit of not only a new ballpark but also for clean air and water.  The facility sits less than a mile away from 23,000 West Oakland Residents and Kaval says it is a concern mentioned in the suit that the facility produces materials that exceed the toxicity thresholds for hazardous waste.