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Supervisors Updates

By Scott Bauer, CAPS Supervisor Director

April 18, 2024

Dear CAPS Excluded Employee Member:

Thank you for your membership and continued support of CAPS-UAW!

This CAPS Supervisory Update provides information about your rights, as a Supervisor, to be a member of CAPS. It also provides updates about CAPS members’ overwhelming support for affiliation with UAW, and other helpful reminders and notes from the CAPS Supervisory Committee’s last meeting.     

Excluded Employee Bill of Rights 

The Excluded Employee Bill of Rights (EEBR) is a State law that gives State of California Supervisors the right “to form, join, and participate in the activities of supervisory employee organizations,” such as CAPS-UAW.  The EEBR also gives CAPS-UAW, as an Excluded Employee Organization, the right to represent State Scientific Supervisors in their “employment relations” with the State of California, including matters “relating to… wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment.” 

CAPS-UAW has heard anecdotally that some departments have provided incorrect information to newly promoted/hired Scientific Supervisors regarding their right to join CAPS-UAW. Specifically, departments have told new supervisors that only rank-and-file employees can join CAPS-UAW. This is incorrect. If you’re aware of this happening, please let us know so that we can correct the misunderstanding:     

CAPS-UAW Affiliation 

With overwhelming support from the membership (a whopping 88%!), CAPS is now officially a part of one of the most powerful and effective unions in the country – UAW! This affiliation has already produced results for rank-and-file scientists as, at CAPS-UAW’s request, Impasse has been broken, imposition of the State’s Last, Best, Final, Offer (LBFO) has been paused, and the parties will resume negotiations soon!  

For more information on what UAW affiliation means for you as an Excluded Employee, click here.

Professional Development Day. Friendly reminder to use your two PDD days before they expire on June 30, 2024. 

Meeting Agenda/Notes from CAPS’ March 7th Supervisory Committee meeting. The CAPS Supervisory Committee last met on March 7. You can view the Agenda, with Meeting Notes here.

Have a question? As a CAPS-UAW Member, you have access to CAPS labor relations professionals to help answer any work-related questions you may have. The easiest way to reach a CAPS-UAW labor representative is by emailing

Thank you,

CAPS Supervisory Committee