April 15, 2021 Update

The Committee. The CAPS Membership Communication Committee is responsible for overseeing CAPS’ publications for members, and for overseeing matters concerning membership, such as recruitment. In the past, this committee oversaw the creation of a host of infographics for CAPS members. These infographics can be found on the CAPS website here.

Today’s Update: The Goals of the Anti-Union Efforts.

While California has been a relatively union-friendly state, in the summer of 2018, the US Supreme Court rendered a decision on a case that removed public sector unions’ rights throughout the country. This case, supported by anti-union, “right-to-work” advocates, provided these organizations a doorway into California. Anti-union groups have long disparaged unions, but to what end? They want to gain control of public budgets, slash our wages, diminish our benefits including our retirement, and destroy workplace protections! But unions like ours stand in their way.

One of the anti-union groups trying to tear down our hard-won victories is the Freedom Foundation. The foundation CEO Tom McCabe said, “The Freedom Foundation has a proven plan for bankrupting and defeating government unions through education, litigation, legislation and community activation.”

But what is their plan after they bankrupt and defeat government employee unions? To continue the attack on civil servants through legislation that reduces our pay and benefits. When the state of Wisconsin passed the 2011 Wisconsin Act 10, it virtually eliminated collective bargaining rights for most public-sector workers in Wisconsin and slashed their benefits. This and other legislation dramatically reduced health care benefits, resulting in public sector employees having to pay much more for health care, and greatly reduced their take-home pay.

Iowa passed an Act 10-inspired law with similar policies. What happened in Wisconsin and Iowa was part of a much broader pattern, and these attacks are not over. Other states and members of Congress are considering enacting similar policies, especially following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Janus v. the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). (The password is Winter2020  – it is case-sensitive.)

These anti-union groups are tax-exempt nonprofits, which means they are not legally required to disclose their funders. However, research has verified these organizations are sustained through donations by the Koch brothers, other billionaires, and large corporations. Tom McCabe noted “unions won’t give up without a fight,” adding “they won’t go away until we drive the proverbial stake through their hearts and finish them off for good.”

Wages and benefits have declined in states where their unions have come under attack and sadly cease to exist. On average, members of unions earn 11.2% more in wages than their peers with similar duties in nonunionized workplaces. Employees with a union are more likely to be covered by employer-provided health insurance and have greater access to paid sick leave. Private sector employees also benefit from public unions, which raise wages for all.

Without a single, unified voice speaking up for all State Scientists on pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment, State Scientists would be dependent on the good faith and kindness of the Governor and the State Legislature for our wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment.

It’s true; State Scientists are stronger together, working as one. When State Scientists stand together, we have collective power. Through the collective power of our members, CAPS has the resources to protect our retirement, maintain quality health benefits, and make sure that equitable pay is our top priority at the bargaining table. To have a strong membership is to have power in collective bargaining, with the Legislature, and in representing members in all venues. Do not let these anti-union groups fool you. They are not looking out for you. They have their own agenda to take power away from unions so they can slowly chip away at our hard-won protections and salaries.

CAPS’ monthly dues of $59 are some of the lowest in California and are a long-term investment in a better workplace, career security, and protecting the benefits promised to you and your family, including a secure retirement.

Thank you for your membership.

CAPS Member Communication Committee,

Kelley Aubushon (Chair),
Daniel Ellis,
Vice President
Kris Wiese,
Justin D. Garcia,
District III Director
Monty Larson,
District V Director
Jimmy Spearow,
Director At-Large


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