Strength in Numbers!

Since 1984, California State Scientists have chosen to stand together in solidarity, as a union, known as the California Association of Professional Scientists (CAPS) to advocate for:

  • Competitive Salaries
  • Quality Health Care
  • Retirement Security
  • Rights in the Workplace
  • Scientific Programs in State Government

The monthly dues of $59 are a long-term investment in a better workplace, career security and protecting the benefits promised to you and your family, including a secure retirement.


Join the majority of your colleagues who understand the importance of membership and Science Matters. Scientists Matter.

State Scientists are stronger together, working as one. Without a single, unified voice speaking up for ALL on pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment, we would be dependent on the good faith and kindness of the Governor and the state Legislature for our compensation package. When we all do our part, CAPS has the resources to protect our retirement, maintain quality health benefits, and make sure that equitable pay is our top priority at the bargaining table. A strong membership equals power in collective bargaining, with the Legislature and in representing members in all venues.

Please join today.  Maintain your CAPS membership.


Members receive expert representation on employment and professional issues at the worksite, in the state Legislature and, if necessary, in court. Representation is provided by a labor relations consultant or lawyer (at CAPS’ discretion) who is experienced in representing state scientists on employment issues. Certain limitations apply.

Exclusive Membership Rights

Only rank-and-file members vote in ratification elections of CAPS’ labor contracts with state management.  Only CAPS members are eligible to become worksite representatives. Only members can stand for election to the CAPS Board of Directors, and only CAPS members vote in these elections.


Every member receives CAPSule, a monthly newsletter. Periodic CAPS Alerts and informational letters provide more detailed information.  CAPS leaders and staff hold meetings at worksites statewide to present information in person whenever necessary. Volunteer local representatives receive training and regular mailings for distribution to members at the worksite.

Public Relations

CAPS maintains extensive contacts with the written and broadcast media statewide to promote the professionalism of state scientists and the accomplishments of CAPS.

Basic Life Insurance (Included with membership)

All CAPS members automatically receive $10,000 in term life insurance, $15,000 in accidental death at no additional cost.

In addition CAPS members may purchase supplemental insurance products through our Group Policy.  Additional products include:

  • Supplemental and Supplemental Plus Life Insurance
  • Long Term Disability
  • Critical Illness
  • Accident Insurance
  • Hospital Indemnity

Learn more about the Basic Life Insurance and Optional Insurance Benefits here.

Get a Quote from Liberty Mutual for Discounted Insurance Rates for Pets

Through a partnership with Liberty Mutual Insurance, CAPS members qualify for savings on pet insurance.  To learn more about the pet insurance program, please click here.

Assist America (Formerly Travel Assist).

Get medical, security, legal and travel assistance for CAPS members and their eligible family members when traveling more than 100 miles from home or internationally, for trips of up to 180 days.  That means a comprehensive program of information, referral, assistance, transportation and evacuation services designed to help you respond to medical care situations and many other emergencies that may arise during travel. Travel Assistance also offers pre-travel assistance, which gives you access to information on things like passport and visa requirements, foreign currency in worldwide weather. 

Theme Parks and Consumer Discounts

CAPS members get substantial savings on a variety of amusement parks ( SeaWorld, Universal Studios, Knott’s Berry Farm and more) plus other vacation activities and many other goods and services.

CAPS Professional Development Grants

Every quarter CAPS awards four education grants of $500 each to qualifying CAPS members.  The purpose is to support scientific research and professional development not fully funded by the state.

Dependent Scholarships

Any CAPS member with a dependent in college, or bound for college the NEXT fall may apply for a $750 cash scholarship. If you aren’t yet a CAPS member, or you know someone who should be, you may apply online.  

Join CAPS Today

CAPS dues are $59.00 monthly. Membership is available to rank-and-file, supervisory and managerial state scientists employed in the civil service of the California State Government.

You and your fellow scientists have a chance to speak directly to this administration. Your Bargaining Committee goes back to the table, where our goal is to share the photo petition! 

You can show this administration that you and your colleagues are united in our demand for equitable pay, and a fair contract that ends the gender pay gap for Bargaining Unit 10 by signing this photo petition. It takes about 30 seconds to sign! 

With over 1,500 fellow scientists signing the photo petition already, your participation matters in conveying our message.

Once a majority of state scientists sign, we, the Bargaining Committee, will work with the Contract Action Team (CAT) to present the petition as a photo collage to this administration to demonstrate our collective power. This action is for your salaries and your future

Already signed? Get two of your colleagues to sign the petition as well.  

Participation makes us strong, so take action now!

Check out this link to see how a photo collage from a successful organizing campaign looks. Join your colleagues in making yourself heard as we demand fair pay.