Article 16 – Transfer and Layoff

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16.1 Layoff and Reemployment

A. Application. Whenever it is necessary because of a lack of work or funds, or whenever it is advisable in the interest of economy to reduce the number of permanent and/or probationary employees (hereinafter known as “employees’) in any State agency, the State may layoff employees pursuant to this Section.

B. Order of Layoff. Employees shall be laid off in order of seniority pursuant to Government Code Sections 19997.2 through 19997.7 and applicable State Personnel Board rules.

C. Notice. Employees compensated on a monthly basis shall be notified 30 calendar days in advance of the effective date of layoff. Where notices are mailed, the 30 calendar day time period will begin to run on date of mailing of the notice. Notice of the layoff shall be sent to CAPS.

D. Transfer or Demotion in Lieu of Layoff. The State may offer affected employees a transfer or a demotion in lieu of layoff pursuant to Government Code Sections 19997.8 through 19997.10 and applicable State Personnel Board rules. If an employee refuses a transfer or demotion, the employee shall be laid off.

E. Reemployment. In accordance with Government Code Sections 19997.11 and 19997.12, the State shall establish a reemployment list by class for all employees who are laid off. Such lists shall take precedence over all other types of employment lists for the classes in which employees were laid off. Employees shall be certified from department or subdivisional reemployment lists in accordance with Section 19056 of the Government Code.

F. State Service Credit for Layoff Purposes. In determining seniority scores, one point shall be allowed for each qualifying monthly pay period of full-time State service regardless of when such service occurred. A pay period in which a full -time employee works eleven (11) or more days will be considered a qualifying pay period except that when an absence from State service resulting from a temporary or permanent separation for more than eleven (11) consecutive working days falls into two (2) consecutive qualifying pay periods, the second pay period shall be disqualified.

G. An appeal of any portion of this layoff provision shall solely be through the procedures established in Government Code Section 19997.14.

16.2 Reducing the Adverse Effects of Layoff

Whenever the State determines it necessary to layoff employees, the State and CAPS shall meet in good faith to explore alternatives to laying off employees such as, but not limited to, voluntary reduced work time, retraining, early retirement and unpaid leaves of absence.

16.3 Change in Work Location

The State, CAPS, and Bargaining Unit 10 employees recognize that the nature of the work performed by Unit 10 employees may require the State to make temporary reassignments of employees on short notice.

The State will normally provide Unit 10 employees with at least seven (7) working days advance notice of a change in their work location which would not reasonably require the employee to change his/her place of residence. This advance notice is not required if: (1) the new work location is within the general vicinity of the employee’s current regular street business address, (2) the change is due to an unforeseen emergency, or (3) the change is made at the request of the employee.

16.4 Appeal of Involuntary Transfer

A. An involuntary transfer which reasonably requires an employee to change his/her residence may be grieved under Article 9 only if the employee believes it was made for the purpose of harassing or disciplining the employee. If the appointing authority or the California Department of Human Resources disapproves the transfer, the employee: (1) shall be returned to his/her former position; (2) shall be paid the regular travel allowance for the period of time he/she was away from his/her original headquarters; and (3) shall be paid his/her moving costs both from and back to the original headquarters, in accordance with the California Department of Human Resources laws and rules.

B. An Appeal of an involuntary transfer which does not reasonably require an employee to change his/her residence shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure. It shall be subject to the complaint procedure if the employee believes it was made for the purpose of harassing or disciplining the employee.

You and your fellow scientists have a chance to speak directly to this administration. Your Bargaining Committee goes back to the table THIS Wednesday, July 3rd, where our goal is to share the photo petition! 

You can show this administration that you and your colleagues are united in our demand for equitable pay, and a fair contract that ends the gender pay gap for Bargaining Unit 10 by signing this photo petition. It takes about 30 seconds to sign! 

With over 1,500 fellow scientists signing the photo petition already, your participation matters in conveying our message.

Once a majority of state scientists sign, we, the Bargaining Committee, will work with the Contract Action Team (CAT) to present the petition as a photo collage to this administration to demonstrate our collective power. This action is for your salaries and your future

Already signed? Get two of your colleagues to sign the petition as well.  

Participation makes us strong, so take action now!

Check out this link to see how a photo collage from a successful organizing campaign looks. Join your colleagues in making yourself heard as we demand fair pay.