Media Program

Choose Unity. Choose Strength Choose CAPS!

CAPS’ Media Program serves members by publicly promoting the vital work of California State Scientists who protect our natural resources, safeguard public health, and defend our abundant agricultural economy.  Whether through paid advertisements, social media or aggressive pursuit of positive news coverage,  the Media Program burnishes the public profile of CAPS members and the organization to enhance its influence at the bargaining table, in the courts and in the Legislature.


Featured Videos

CAPS’ Media Program communicates through a variety of traditional and new-media platforms.  Under the oversight of its Board of Directors and the organization’s Bargaining Team, the program has run hundreds of studio-produced paid advertisements on radio and television.  It has dispatched nearly a quarter-million emails, and posted hundreds of online videos and social media messages that highlight members’ critical work and the many benefits of CAPS membership.

Visit CAPS’ Vimeo Page  |  Visit CAPS’ Youtube Channel

Members for Media Interviews

A link to an online application for members interested in participating in the Media Response Program is available at Those selected may be made available to reporters seeking comments for news reports, including coverage of State Scientists’ salaries. Participants will speak publicly with the understanding that they are speaking only for themselves, not their employer or the union. However, CAPS will provide media training to all participants, and Media Relations staff will help prepare for specific interviews.

You and your fellow scientists have a chance to speak directly to this administration. Your Bargaining Committee goes back to the table, where our goal is to share the photo petition! 

You can show this administration that you and your colleagues are united in our demand for equitable pay, and a fair contract that ends the gender pay gap for Bargaining Unit 10 by signing this photo petition. It takes about 30 seconds to sign! 

With over 1,500 fellow scientists signing the photo petition already, your participation matters in conveying our message.

Once a majority of state scientists sign, we, the Bargaining Committee, will work with the Contract Action Team (CAT) to present the petition as a photo collage to this administration to demonstrate our collective power. This action is for your salaries and your future

Already signed? Get two of your colleagues to sign the petition as well.  

Participation makes us strong, so take action now!

Check out this link to see how a photo collage from a successful organizing campaign looks. Join your colleagues in making yourself heard as we demand fair pay.